Simply Green Blog Posts

Complete Crabgrass Guide

February 20, 2023

When people see weeds in their lawn that aren’t dandelions or clovers, crabgrass is often the first weed that comes to mind when they try to guess at what the weeds might be. But is it actually what they’re looking at, and how can they tell if it is crabgrass?   If you’re curious about…

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Does Smoke Keep Mosquitoes Away?

February 19, 2023

    In the war on mosquitoes, it’s important to find safe and practical ways to eliminate the pests. If you like to grill out or set up bonfires frequently, you might have wondered if the smoke or fire is actually effective in keeping mosquitoes at bay.    This blog will explore the question of…

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Will Your Plants Recover from the Winter Freeze this Spring?

February 19, 2023

  Due to the arctic blast that swept across most of the United States in December 2022, many Georgia residents have been asking the question: “Will my plants recover from the December freeze this spring?”    Since the Simply Green team is trained in offering plant healthcare services, we thought it might be helpful to…

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What ARE Those Giant Mosquitoes

January 21, 2023

  In the late summer and early fall, you might’ve noticed those large, mosquito-like insects hovering above your lawn or bumping along your walls if they manage to get indoors.    These mysterious critters have picked up several aliases with many people calling them giant mosquitoes, flying daddy long legs, and even mosquito eaters (skeeter…

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Prevent Standing Water from Being a Breeding Ground for Mosquitoes

January 9, 2023

  From egg to larvae, the mosquito needs stagnated water for 75% of its life cycle to thrive. Once in its adult stage, the mosquito seeks blood to survive, passing on diseases such as the Zika and West Nile Virus to human hosts.    This is why it is so important to address areas of…

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Best Options for Keeping Mosquitoes Away from Your Yard

January 9, 2023

  During the warmer months,  you may want to use your yard for sunbathing, swimming, birthday parties, barbeques, etc. — and the last thing you want to worry about is mosquito bites or mosquito-borne diseases affecting you, your family, or your guests.   So instead of spraying everyone with mosquito repellants like Deet, here are…

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Guide to Keeping Mosquitoes Away Naturally

January 5, 2023

If you’re looking for natural mosquito repellents to wear or to place around your house, this guide will be helpful as you look for options that might work for you.    It’s important to remember that natural repellents are not 100 percent effective for keeping mosquitoes away. Wearing repellents that contain DEET will work best…

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Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away for Your Next Party

January 4, 2023

  Outdoor and semi-outdoor parties can be a great experience for you and your guests. But, if you don’t take the proper measures to prevent mosquitoes from crashing your party, your guests won’t be the only ones grabbing a bite to eat!    In this blog, we’ll share some steps you can take to limit…

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Are You a Target for Mosquitoes?

December 8, 2022

    There are reasons why some people get bitten by mosquitoes more than others around them and why you might get more mosquito bites on some days than on others.    Though there are some factors that we can control to reduce our attractiveness to mosquitoes, many are factors that we cannot control. This…

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Can Mosquitoes Bite through Clothes?

November 22, 2022

    Whether you’re brainstorming alternatives to mosquito repellent, planning a hike near a creek or lake, or are just curious about the abilities of the common mosquito; the question of whether or not mosquitoes can bite through your clothes has probably crossed your mind.    The short answer to the question is YES. Mosquitoes…

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What Plants Repel Mosquitoes

November 16, 2022

  Chemical methods are popular when trying to control the mosquito population during Georgia’s more humid seasons of late spring and summer. More homeowners, however, are seeking natural options for mosquito control to protect their loved ones and also beneficial insects such as honey bees.  Mosquitoes rely on their sense of smell to locate hosts…

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Common Types of Mosquitoes in Georgia

October 31, 2022

    Believe it or not, there are over 3,000 species of mosquitoes in the world, and North America is home to about 176 of those 3,000 types of mosquitoes.    According to the Department of Entomology at the University of Georgia’s College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, there are 63 species of mosquitoes in…

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