Simply Green Blog Posts

Helping Your Lawn Fall into Winter

October 25, 2019

After a dry and hot summer full of wishing for cooler temperatures, we are starting to feel a change in the air. The trees in the skyline are beginning to change color (at least some of them). The nights have begun getting longer and layering has become a part of getting dressed every day. These…

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Eyesore No More: How to Get Rid of Mushrooms in Your Lawn

September 12, 2019

As Atlanta’s lawn care experts, we get plenty of questions about all kinds of lawn maladies, from shade damage to turf diseases and more. Our Atlanta lawn care services help to prevent (and if necessary, treat) most lawn problems. However, there’s one condition that isn’t actually a hazard to your lawn’s health – mushrooms!  Why…

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Georgia’s Most (Un)Wanted: Common Lawn Weeds

August 15, 2019

If you’ve worked hard to create a beautifully lush lawn, you know how frustrating it can be when weeds crop up. Read on to learn the most common Georgia weeds (and how to get rid of them) from our team at Simply Green Lawn Care.  The Most Common Lawn Weeds Around Atlanta Clover – Clover…

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How Integrated Pest Management Protects Your Shrubs and Trees

July 11, 2019

We deal with a lot of pests here in Atlanta, and most of us are primarily concerned with keeping them out of our homes. However, pest control is important not only for you and your family, but also your landscaping plants! Learn how integrated pest management is an important part of plant healthcare from your…

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Shrub Pruning Basics for a Beautiful Yard

June 13, 2019

It’s summer in Georgia, the season of iced tea on the front porch, kids playing in sprinklers, and backyard cookouts with friends and neighbors. However, early summer is also the time of year to trim many of your shrubs! At Simply Green Lawn Care, we’re the experts in Atlanta lawn care and landscaping, helping Atlanta…

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How to Achieve a Picture-Perfect Lawn

May 16, 2019

Summer is nearly here, and the Georgia heat can be rough on your lawn. Thankfully, it’s still possible to get that picture-perfect yard. Here are some Atlanta lawn care tips to get the perfect yard: Mow Correctly – Mowing correctly is of the utmost importance. Make sure you use a nice, sharp blade and cut…

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Give Your Lawn Some Love During National Garden Month!

April 11, 2019

April is National Garden Month, and while you may think of planting flowers, your Atlanta lawn care is an integral part of your garden. If you have a warm-season lawn and want to breath new life into it this month, consider core aeration to spring into the growing season! Core Aeration The best time to…

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How to Prepare Your Lawn for Spring

March 14, 2019

Punxsutawney Phil has decreed an early spring, so it’s time to get your Atlanta lawn ready! The flowering trees are already putting on their spring show and we’re noticing the first dusting of pollen, so check out these spring lawn tips to prepare your Atlanta lawn care plan for the growing season here in Georgia.…

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How to Love Your Lawn

February 21, 2019

It is February, and that means love is in the air! So why not give your Atlanta lawn a little extra love and care with these lawn maintenance tips? Let it breathe! Make sure your Atlanta lawn is designed in such a way so that your trees, shrubs, and other plants don’t choke out the…

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How to Choose the Best Grass for Your Lawn

January 31, 2019

Planning Your Atlanta Lawn Care While it’s still cold and wintry here in Atlanta, now is a good time to start planning any upgrades you’d like to make to your landscaping. One of the best ways to ensure your lawn looks its best is to choose the appropriate type of grass for your yard. Pros…

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Prevent Fire Ants in Your Yard

January 17, 2019

Creating an Atlanta Lawn Care Plan with Fire Ant Prevention Unfortunately, Georgia is the home of 3 different types of fire ants: Solenopsis invicta Buren (red imported fire ant), Solenopsis richteri Forel (black imported fire ant), and a hybrid species. All 3 species can cause a major disturbance in your yard and have painful stings…

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Caring for Your Atlanta Lawn in Freezing Temperatures

December 20, 2018

Your Atlanta lawn is a living organism, and just like all living things, it goes through cycles. Low winter temperatures ranging down below freezing require a new lawn care routine. Check out some tips for Atlanta lawn care during the winter: Don’t Mow – Don’t mow your lawn after the first frost. During freezing temperatures,…

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